Thema: Teamchef
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Alt 07.10.2011, 15:41
Benutzerbild von SteetS
SteetS Status: Offline
Erfahrener Benutzer
Teamname: Die Hard
Platzierung: 4
S|U|N: 7|2|3
Rangliste: 1577
Registriert seit: 19.09.2008
Beiträge: 3.738



Zitat von BackFlip Beitrag anzeigen
Defensive Wall all the way ! Yeah the first teamchef won't have much of a chance against anyone. In the next 3-4 Seasons the english teamchef won't really stand a chance against anyone, but lateron he might stand a chance against the lesser populated german regions thanks to the scouted players.
I'm sure you're right. There are some very interesting talented english players
in the U16 Team.
And next season, the SteetS Juniors will have a revival, also with some
talented english players (4 still waiting in my academy)
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